Wednesday, March 3, 2010

General Concept of The El Nino Phenomenon

What is El Nino Phenomenon?
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The El Nino Phenomenon is also called the El Nino flow. It is a phenomenon when the interaction of the sea and the atmosphere were lost balance. Normally, the Monsoon currents of the tropical pacific region is from the Americas to Asias, it brings the surface of the Pacific warmness and also brings forest rains to the peripheral of Indonesa. However, this kind of pattern will be disturbed every 2~7 years and it makes the direction of wind and the sea flow change, the flow on the surface of the pacfic just turn to East and goes to America. It takes away the rains, therefore, the El Nino occurs.
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The basic characteristic of the El Nino Phenomenon is the temperature of sea surface rises enormously near the coast of the Pacific. The sea level goes up and it forms a warm flow which moves to the south. This situation makes the original cold water which is in the east part of the Pacific become warm. Therefore, it causes not only the Tsunamis and Storms,but also someplaces occur anomalous climates such as drought and excessive rainfall.
The whole process of the El Nino Phenomenon is about one year and it can be divided as Occurrence period, Development period, Maintenance period and Decay period. The change of the atomsphere is follwed by the temperature change of the sea.

When the above El Nino Phenomenon appears, it will thoughout the whole of middle East parts of the world and the Pacific Ocean; The rising temperture of the sea water makes the creatures decrease enormously. The fishery of Peru was suffered, at the same time, it causes many places in the equatorial Pacific such as Ecuador happens flood or drought.

The impact of the El Nino Phenomenon is hugely, it always causes weather in some place become abnormal, just like the food chain, makes some cities which near the Pacific become hot, it also make the problem of Globle Warming become worse.

The El Nino Phenomenon threats us increasingly. For us, may be we can not stop them, but at least we can do something possible around our lives, keep the envirnment clean. we ought to know The El Nino is because of human being's polutions.

By Ren Xian

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