This magical island in the vast expanse of the Caribbean, called "Martinique." Every 10 years or so, the island would have puzzled the emergence of a very strange phenomenon: the island's adult men and women living in high-was a few centimeters long, the average height of adult men, up to 1.90 m, the average height of adult women are also more than 1.74 meters. If the island's young men less than 1.8 meters tall, will be companions ridiculed as a "dwarf."
This "courtesy", some from people who are too short body, is clearly a "gospel." Therefore, Martinique attracts many tourists each year visit, most of which is the short man from around the world. Shorty came to this island to live on a period of a few centimeters taller will somehow, so people called the island of Martinique as a "dwarf's Paradise."
In fact, not only people that even the island's animals, plants and insects grow more rapidly. Island ants, flies, beetles, lizards and snakes, etc., from 1948 onwards about 10 years increased by several times than usual, especially in the island's rats, like cats actually looks great.
Martinique's Pervan dam has a custom pull people - never bend. Even the most valuable items lost on the ground, and they never bend down to pick up, but unplug the plug at the back of a bamboo clip, bulging lumbar bamboo clipped.Martinique, in the Antilles in the most northern part of the Windward Islands. Is the largest of the Windward Islands, volcanoes and picturesque islands. Martinique is a French overseas territory of France that this is part of its non-infringement. St. Martin, named in the order before it's called the "horse to Nina Madinina" means "flower island" inhabited by indigenous peoples.
Undulating topography of the island, except in the central and coastal plains, a number of volcanic areas, compared with the Leeward Islands, significantly more than the rock. Its beaches (from black or white or salt and pepper colored sand composition) from sugar cane, palm trees, bananas and pineapple and other plants around. Columbus called the world's most beautiful country. Pelee volcanic peak altitude of 1397 meters, is the famous West Indies in the very active volcano. 1902 pelee volcanic eruptions, caused about 26,000 within a few minutes to 36,000 people were killed, only two survived, while the destruction at the time the largest city Saint Pierre Martinique. Tropical rain forest climate.
Island sugar cane, bananas, pineapples and other tropical fruit, with sugar, wine, oil refining, cement, timber and other industries.
Capital: Fort de France (Fort-de-France), population 100,080 (1990); area: 1100 square km;
Population: 385,000 (1995), mainly black and white mixed race; population density: 350.5 persons per square kilometer;
Language: The official language is French. Also generally Creole dialect; Religion: Roman Catholic majority of the population;
Time difference: 4 hours later than GMT, 12 hours later than Beijing;
Power: 220 volts AC, 50Hz;
Communications: Telephone: IDD apply. Country code is 596. 0033 International Code itself Martinique French national, international code of course, and France the same. Existing pay phones on the island, there are card phones. Phone cards can be purchased at post offices, airport card only phone. Mobile Phone: Dual Band GSM network. Run roaming agreements. Network providers include: France Telecom and Amis. Coverage extends to the French Antilles and French Guiana. Fax: Most hotels can fax. Internet / E-mail: local service providers (ISP), including wanadoo and the Antilles-net. Post: send a letter to Europe takes about a week. Post office opening hours are: Monday through Friday 7 am to 6 pm and Saturday mornings. Newspapers: Newspapers in French. Major dailies are: France-antille.
by Ren Xian
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